Starring: Rebecca Besser

1. If there was only one movie you could watch for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
That's a hard one... It would have to be something funny, scifi, or fantasy. I'm tempted to say LotR, but that's three movies. I'm gonna go with “Sex Drive” because I didn't stop laughing through that entire movie!
2. Who is your favorite literary character and why?
I don't know that I have one. I love characters who are strong and not whiners. Each story also demands a different character and personality. I enjoy when any author can bring their characters to life whether I love them or hate them.
3. Favorite book and author?
I LOVE the Earth's Children Series by Jean M. Auel and The Reluctant Demon Diaries by Linda Rios Brook.
4. What is the one implement you could not part with in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
Shotgun. I can either use it to shoot or as a club! So, it's two weapons in one. ;)
5. If you had to eat your big toe or your pinkie finger, which one would go? Take this seriously; your life depends on it.
My pinkie! They say it's hard to walk if you lose your big toe, and I think I could get over the pinkie easier.
6. Favorite album and artist?
Another hard question... I'm going to go with Live – Secret Samadhi.
7. Who could clip their toenails in your presence and you not be offended?
Anyone. That stuff doesn't bother me at all. LOL
8. Female fiction writers tend to have their work ghettoized as being for fellow females only while fiction written by men does not. This applies to other forms of entertainment as well. For instance, I went to see the movie Bridesmaids and was lambasted by male friends for it being a “Chick Flick.” And actually, it was universally damned funny. When they saw it, they ate their words. Why, besides sexism, do you think this happens?
I think a lot of female artists want to emphasize their female voice or femininity to prove something, which causes this stigma. Most also don't 'push it', specifically in the horror genre. They hold back and it shows. I don't think there's anything wrong with strong female characters and it's shown quite clearly in my Nurse Blood serial. I believe in pushing things though. I've had MANY men say they loved my work because I was able to 'go there', and a lot of writers, not just women, can't. They hold back with the gore, and don't show the darker side of life because they themselves either can't face it, or won't let themselves experience it through their characters because it makes them feel uncomfortable.
When I first started writing horror I was told I should use my initials and last name so people wouldn't know I was a female. I refused. I can be a woman and still write good horror. I've also heard other female writers who have complained of being rejected from anthologies just for being a woman. I've never had that issue to my knowledge.
I know that at times I've written some more female driven or angled stories (mostly because I have insight into how women think so I can make the characters stronger). But I don't do it very often and don't know that I've ever been rejected for it.
It all comes down to your ability to write and deliver what's expected. If you can't do that, then you need to reevaluate your style and see how you need to evolve. We all do as we grow as writers, so there's nothing wrong with it.
As far as chick flicks go, I'm not really big on them. I'll watch the ones that look really funny and if I think my hub will like them, I tell him and he watches too. But I only suggest the ones I know he'll enjoy. I think the directors are starting to realize that men are 'forced' to watch these particular movies with their wives and girlfriends and are starting to make them more 'guy' friendly, which is nice.
9. What is your favorite sport?
Um...it's not actually considered a sport. ;)
Okay, a real sport that I like: volley ball.
10. Is there a story of yours that has been published that you’ve looked back on and said, “Oh, God, I wish it wasn’t?”
Not so much that, but I have cringed at some of the editing. I wished a couple of time I would have taken a little more time before sending some stuff out. Overall though, I think we all look back on our early stuff and flinch because we see all the stupid mistakes we made because we've learned and now know better.
11. What story are you most proud of that you’ve written and why?
Oh, now that's an easy one! Hall of Twelve (both versions – I have a flash and short story version). I LOVE this story because it's out there and I got to make up my own monsters. I love all monster horror and tend to like the new, interesting, and extreme, and that's what Hall of Twelve is.
Hall of Twelve is a story of a man who comes home to find his daughter slaughtered and his wife missing. All hell breaks loose in the world around him and he's not even able to get a hold of emergency help. He ends up joining a group of people who stumble upon him as they flee the chaos of shattered civilization to hide where they think they'll be safe from the 'Beings'. But there's nowhere that's safe from the crazy creatures from an alternate dimension who have pets that love to feast on human flesh!
When the humans are captured, they're taken to the Hall of Twelve where the roll of the dice chooses their fate. Most will be fed to ravenous monsters hidden behind the doors with the number they've rolled...but a lucky few will roll the magic number and be set free to be hunted again and face their fate another day.
The short story version is published in Strange Tales of Horror from NorGus Press.
12. Eggs. Love them or hate them?
I don't think it's love or hate – I like them. Most of the time I like scrambled eggs, but once in awhile I like over easy ones. :) Deviled eggs are good too!
13. Promote the shit out of yourself. What do you have coming up and what have you finished?
First off you don't know anything about me and would like to know more, you can visit my website for a list of my publication credits and for links to books I have stories in.
My site: http://www.rebeccabesser.com
Also, you can visit my blog (which is mostly interviews of authors and presses, and sometimes contests): http://blog.rebeccabesser.com
You can find me on Facebook under: Rebecca Besser or Author/Editor Rebecca Besser
I'm also on Twitter under: @BeccaBesser
Earth's End edited by me, is being released by Wicked East Press in Jan 2012! The book contains an array of Scifi Apocalyptic fiction.

I have a story in the book called, “The Olden Gears,” and it's about cyborg elderly people who go crazy and attack humanity with bloody violence.
Here's an excerpt from my story:
"He drove faster, but everywhere he looked there was more destruction.
With numb fingers, he reached over and turned on the radio to see if there was any news about what was going on; it took him a couple of minutes before he could find a radio station that was still on the air.
“...Overnight the world has been bombarded with attacks by the elderly. On every continent, in almost every country, they’ve taken lives at will, showing no mercy...”
Looking out around him, he tried to decide how he was going to make it home. Almost every street was blocked off by accidents, and everywhere he looked, someone was being slaughtered; his attention focused back on the radio as they continued.
“...Medical experts are saying the cause of the outbreak and behavior in their elderly patients is linked to the chemical compound used in the ‘lubrication’ of the ReGen ‘parts’ surgically implanted; the chemical was supposed to act as synthetic blood. Once it leaks into the real blood system, it targets certain parts of the brain and triggers uncontrollable, aggressive behavior...”" ~ The Olden Gears by Rebecca Besser - Earth's End

I also have my Nurse Blood serial still going. You can read what's posted so far at: http://nurseblood.wordpress.com I post one chapter a week on Fri/Sat. Warning: The serial contains swearing, sexual content, and bloody violence.

Also, if you haven't yet, and would like to read it, my zombie novella, “Undead Drive-Thru,” is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. (There are 14 reviews on Amazon if you would like to get a feel for the book and see if it might be something you're interested in.)
Thanks so much for answering these and I hope they were a little bit of fun.
Thanks you VERY much for having me; it was a lot of fun! :)
And there it is! I want to personally say that Rebecca is a great author and if you haven't read any of her stuff, you're really missing out. Undead Drive-Thru is a terrific, fast read full of interesting characters and some nice action. If you like zombie stories, this one is for you.
Stay tuned for more Lucky 13 Question installments in the near future!